First of all, happy new year ;)
I'm working again, on a new Flash.
Because I wanted something different it's a movie.
Wante to start waaaay earlier but the holidays came and I haven't had much time to work on it.
Here is something to look at for now. :D
At 1/6/10 9:45 AM, Mallemarkie wrote:
: Hey,
: I'm Mark and I saw some of your games. I saw you aren't really an artist.
: Maybe we can work together to make a great game.
: What do you think.
yeah im not an artist but i think i have an idea and lots of action scripts we cood make a platformer for stickpage a platformer of spartan there whood be levels minigames and a lots of different game tipes what do you say by the whay im ok that you can draw and stuff and i program it you cood send me stuff and all so bye for now